Join the Backyard Chicken Revolution!

Everything you need to know, to have ready before you bring your baby chicks home and beyond.

Getting Started with Backyard Chickens will help you get ready for your new baby chicks.  

  • Choose the best chicken breed - Know what breeds will thrive in your climate.
  • How to set up a brooder - This is the checklist you need to DIY your baby chick's temporary home.
  • Chicken timeline - See what milestones. your chicks will hit so you know everyone is right on track.
  • Baby chick care - Get a walkthrough on what you need for healthy chicks and what you can do if one gets sick.

Hello, my name is Tracy Lynn!!

About 10 years ago I got my very first baby chicks. As I held those little balls of feathers in my hands, I had no idea what I was in for. I quickly learned that chickens are quirky and funny creatures that are sure to liven up any home.

For over a decade I have filled our fridge with a steady supply of farm fresh eggs, (the very best eggs you can eat if you ask me!). No, it hasn't all been fun and smiles but the lessons I learned over the years I now use to help others. To help them do things the easy way, the right way, so they can skip the struggles I had... and watch their flock flourish and thrive.

Backyard chickens are truly one of my joys and I hope to make it one of yours too!

YES! I am ready for backyard chicks!